Sunday 28 January 2018

Blues Jeans Nail Art

Hello beautiful people!

I hope all my fellow Aussies enjoyed Australia Day! I am somewhat ashamed of myself this year. I, the creator of the AustraNailian, did not do Aussie nail art! I didn't realize until it was too late and here we are, the Australia day long weekend and I'm not wearing my pride. I am going to have to make up for this next year, with several nail art designs just for Australia. 

Since I am such an unorganized person, you'll just have to deal with what I have got for you today. I've seen heaps of people do similar designs to this one, but I bought this particular polish from Essence that claimed to be 'denim effect', so obviously, I had to create something resembling Blue Jeans. Keep reading to see what I used & how I created this cute design.

Blue Jeans Nail Art

To create this design I used these polishes:

Start The Blue Rebellion! by Essence
Alpine Snow by OPI
Be Happy by Chi Chi Cosmetics
Sun Kissed by Sally Hansen 
Ready To Take Off Peel off base coat by UNT

I also used these tools:

Short striping brush
Small dotting tool
Plastic bag
Paper towel

Blue Jeans Nail Art with Start The Blue Rebellion!

I started with one coat of Ready to Take Off and allowed to dry, then applied two coats of Start The Blue Rebellion!. Whilst drying, I grabbed my striping brush, dotting tool and bag. I then applied small drops of Alpine Snow, Be Happy and Sun Kissed to a plastic bag. After making sure my polish was dry, I dipped the striping brush into Alpine Snow and made small lines around the edge of my middle nail. Continuing with Alpine Snow, I made a small pocket shaped outline on my index nail using the same small lines as before. I then grabbed my dotting tool, dipped it into Alpine Snow and made a flower design by applying one dot to the center of my accent nail, then placed dots around it. I cleaned off the dotting tool by dipping it into some acetone and rolling it over a paper towel. I then used Be Happy to place smaller dots over the flower, taking care to not completely cover it. Cleaning my tool again, I moved to Sun Kissed and placed one small dot in the center of the flower. I didn't apply top coat on this design because I thought it might detract from the denim effect of the polish underneath. 

Blue Jeans Nail Art with Be Happy 

This design was super quick and easy, probably the easiest I've done in a while. I really liked the effect of this polish, definitely reminded me of those good old blue jeans everyone seems to own. I felt the design needed a little more than just stitching so I added the flower as one of those iron-on patches. This one feels like a 70's style, totally accidental, but I like it.

What do you think?
Do you like the look of the denim effect?

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday 21 January 2018

Hot Pink Aztec Inspired Nail Art

Hi everyone, 

I hope you've all had a good week. Mine seemed to drag and this heat is only making it worse. I almost didn't want to do my nails today! The mugginess is making me pretty lethargic, as I'm sure it does for most people. I'm not a huge fan of winter, but I am more than excited for it this year! I seriously miss the foggy hills and semi consistent rainfall, not to mention the massive amounts of lush greenery surrounding us. Also, the ability to go outside and actually enjoy it is a plus! 

Anyway, enough dreaming of the future, on with the nail art! Lately I've been trying to do more intricate looking designs. Layering and things like that. I think this is a pretty good example of what I'm aiming for. I have this thing for Aztec styled things at the moment, so I bought this awesome stamping plate that is full of Aztec inspired design which I have paired with some dry brushing and bright colours! Keep reading for the polishes, products and how I created this fun nail art.

Hot Pink Aztec Inspired Nail Art
For this design I used these polishes:

Material Girl by Chi Chi Cosmetics
Gold Rush Fever by ulta3
Black Satin by BYS Cosmetics
Black Stamping Polish by Emily de Molly
Big Primer Base Coat by Sally Hansen
Kwik Dry Top Coat by Sally Hansen

The products I used are:

BP-L048 Stamping Plate by Born Pretty
Large clear stamper
Mani saver 
Cotton balls 
Liquid Latex by Lulaa 

Hot Pink Aztec Inspired Nail Art with Gold Rush Fever

To create this design, I started with Big Primer Base Coat. Once dry, I applied two coats of Material Girls to all nails except my ring finger. I applied two coats of Black Stain to this nail, as I intended this to be an accent nail. I allowed this to dry while applying liquid latex around each nail. Taking Gold Rush Fever, I wiped the excess polish off the brush using the neck of the bottle and lightly stroked it across each nail, making sure to change directions for a distressed look. Once I was satisfied with the dry brushing, I removed the latex and re-applied. This is to ensure any polish on the latex doesn't dry too quickly and form a 'crust', which, in my experience makes clean up harder, therefore defeating the purpose of liquid latex. I then grabbed my stamping tools and Black Stamping Polish. I chose the design I wanted and applied enough polish to cover it, then taking my scraper, I scraped over the design to remove excess polish. I picked up the image using a large stamper and quickly pressed it onto the nail, then removed the latex. Taking my mani saver and a cotton ball dipped in acetone, I cleaned the stamping plate before proceeding. I repeated the previous steps for my ring finger, except using Material Girl to stamp with.
Lastly, I finished off with a coat of Kwik Dry Top Coat.

Hot Pink Aztec Inspired Nail Art with Material Girl

So a few things on this one.
Firstly, let me talk about this pink polish for a moment. It has to be one of my favorite pink polishes, in my opinion it is the perfect shade of hot pink. It also happens to be a pretty perfect colour for summer. I just adore it!

Now on to the gold. This is the best gold in my collection. I don't have all that many because it's not a preferred colour, but it's a good staple. This one is fabulous. I've said this before, but I am so grateful that I found ulta3 again, I'm really impressed by the polishes I have picked up so far!
These two colours together are an amazing combination, in my opinion.

I had originally intended to do stamping on all nails, but when I saw the pink and gold together I just knew they had to be shown off. Overall, I love this mani and enjoyed wearing it. I'd definitely do this combo again one day.

What do you think?
Are you as in love with these colours as I am? 

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

Thanks for stopping by. 

Sunday 14 January 2018

Unicorn Smoosh Marble Nail Art

Hello people!

Wow, how fast has this week gone? It's a little crazy. Sucks that it's already Sunday afternoon... where did my weekend go? At least today has been relatively cool, I've been in trackies all day, in the middle of summer! There's not much better than spending a day at home in my comfy clothes.

Anyway, moving onto the actual topic of this blog; this week's nail art. I've used my go-to style, a simple smoosh marble using pastels and Unicorn heads! (No unicorns were hurt during the making of this mani!) I'll list the polishes and products I used to create this design.

Unicorn Smoosh Marble

These are the polishes I used:

Tingle by piCture pOlish
Pretty As A Peach by BYS Cosmetics
Isn't She Lovely by BYS Cosmetics
Lucky Ducky by BYS Cosmetics
Drunk Tank Pink stamping polish by Hit The Bottle
Big Primer Base Coat by Sally Hansen
Kwik Dry Top Coat by Sally Hansen

These are the tools I used:
Large Clear Stamper
Stamping Plate BP-164 by Born Pretty
Liquid Latex by Lulaa

Unicorn Smoosh Marble with Pretty As a Peach 

For this nail art I started with an even coat of Primer Base Coat, then applied two coats of Lucky Ducky. While drying, I applied liquid latex around each nail. I then organised my polishes by lining them up near my stamper and opening them, leaving the brush in the bottle. Once the latex and polish was dry, I applied a few drops of Lucky Ducky, Pretty As a Peach, Isn't She Lovely and Tingle onto the stamper, then pressed it into the nail, moving it around and dabbing it over the nail to get the desired coverage. I then removed the liquid latex and continued this for each nail. Taking stamping plate BP-164, I applied Drunk Tank Pink over the design, and scraped off the excess polish. I picked up the design with the stamper and pressed it onto the nail. I only did this for two nails, as I love showing off the smoosh and it really doesn't need much to accentuate it. I finished off with Kwik Dry Top Coat. 

Unicorn Smoosh Marble with Drunk Tank Pink
This one is fun to look at. It reminds me of the classic Rainbow Paddle Pop, the official treat of summer as a kid. I so miss those delicious Paddle Pops. Plus, unicorns! It was not intentionally the look I was going for, just the way it turned out, but I'm happy with it. I kinda regret adding the second unicorn, I should have glammed up the middle finger and made it an accent nail. There's always next time! 

What do you think?
Also, what's your favorite summer treat?
Leave me a comment!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday 7 January 2018

Sweet Sweet Watermelon Nail Art

Hello everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday season, whether celebrated or otherwise. I have been enjoying some time out with friends and family as well as exploring the beauty of North East Victoria. And of course, stocking up on some new polishes. I think I picked up about 20 new ones over the last two weeks, woops! 

I thought I'd start 2018 off with a super sweet summer-perfect nail art. A fun Holo watermelon design! I am not really to keen on using holos/glitters and the like in my nail art design, but I'm trying to get around that because I have some amazing Holo's that I don't often get to use, not to mention the thousands more I want to get my hands on. So, I decided to go all out with this one, holo everything! Well, almost. I also used a shimmer. Not that you can really see in these photos, but that's okay, I know it's there. Keep reading for a list of nail polish and tools I used to create this nail art design. 

Sweet Sweet Watermelon Nail Art

I used these polishes:
Paradise Punch by Lilypad Lacquer
Lime Zinger by Lilypad Lacquer
Mint Mojito by Lilypad Lacquer
Be Happy & Smile by Essence
Suzi Skis In The Pyrenees by OPI
Ready To Take Off by UNT
Kwik Dry Top Coat by Sally Hansen

The tools I used are:
French Tip Guides
Short striping brush

Sweet Sweet Watermelon with Paradise Punch

To create this nail art design, I started with with Ready to Take Off, then applied two coats of Be Happy & Smile as my base colour. Once dry, I applied Kwik Dry Top Coat. Giving this ample time to dry, I got Paradise Punch & Mint Mojito ready to go. I placed the french tip guide slightly above the middle of the nail, making sure to press them down tightly to avoid bleeding. Once in place, I applied Mint Mojito closest to the cuticle & Paradise Punch on the opposite side. Once I was satisfied with the opacity and prior to drying, I removed the guide. As you can see, with the first nail it was quite easy to remove, but as I went along it got harder and harder to remove each of the guides. This is because of the peel off base coat I used. I should have applied the guides to the nail as I did each one, rather than putting them all on at once. Lesson learned!
Moving on, I then took my short striping brush with Lime Zinger and created small lines over Mint Mojito. After cleaning the brush, I used Suzi Skis In The Pyrenees to create the seeds. I then finished off with a Kwik Dry Top Coat.

Sweet Sweet Watermelon with Mint Mojito

This is a design I've wanted to try doing for ages! I have no idea why it has taken this long, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, despite the lifting. I hoped the top coat would help weigh it down, but it clearly didn't. I have learned my lesson, though. This is not the first time this has happened, however I hope it's the last. I guess you could call this a bit of a nail fail.

On a side note, I always find it funny that most watermelon designs have seeds, considering most people hate seeds in the fruit, but I suppose it does add to the whole design. I think if I were to do this again, I'd probably use a dotting tool instead of the brush for seeds, as most of these look pretty terrible. 

What do you think?
Have you done this popular design?

Thanks for stopping by!