Sunday 17 December 2017

Foliage Stamping Nail Art

Hello people!

Can you believe it's almost the end of the year?
I definitely cannot.
Where the heck does all this time go?
Take me back to being a kid when everything seemed to last forever, or work, ha ha. I thought I'd keep you guys up to date with my blog plans for the next few weeks, so this will be my last post of 2017. I'll be travelling to Sydney to see family and friends over Christmas and will be thoroughly enjoying some time off at home. I'll be back in the new year with more summer nail art, which I'm really excited for. I've got to get planning my Australia Day nail art! If you follow me on Instagram, I'll be posting a few designs I have stored away in this time, so keep an eye out for that. 

For this week's design, I've done a fun foliage stamping nail art. I'm currently really obsessed with these kinds of patterns and I happen to have several plates full of these beautiful leafy designs. So here it is; keep reading to see what I used to create this mani. 

Foliage Stamping Nail Art

I used these polishes:
Wham Bam by BYS Cosmetics
Tipsy Grasshopper Stamping Polish by Hit The Bottle
Cinderella by Sinful Colors
Big Primer Base Coat by Sally Hansen
Kwik Dry Top Coat by Sally Hansen

And these products:
Stamping plate BP-L076 by Born Pretty
Large clear stamper & scraper
Sticky tape
Cotton balls
Mani saver
Paper towel
Clean up brush

Foliage Stamping Nail Art with Green 

I started with Big Primer Base Coat, then applied two coats of Cinderella. Once dry. I set up my 'stamping station'. Placing paper towel under stamping plate BP-L076, I applied Wham Bam to the pattern I wanted and scraped off the excess polish. Taking my stamper, I picked up the image and stamped it onto my middle finger. Before it dried, I took a piece of tape and used it to remove any polish that transferred to my skin. Usually I would use liquid latex, but I currently don't have any and this works well enough. I then cleaned my stamping plate using a cotton ball with acetone (held by my mani saver) and continued with my ring finger. For my index and pinky fingers, I used the same method outlined above, although with  different design and Tipsy Grasshopper. Once I was finished, I applied my Kwik Dry Top Coat.

Foliage Stamping Nail Art with Green

This one was pretty easy. Gotta love stamping!
I was going to stick to just one design for all nails, but I decided there were too many awesome designs on this plate and I just had to use another one. The pattern on my index and pinky fingers is a really cool leaf vein style. I wish the colour was a little darker so you could see the detail because I really love it. I guess I'll just have to buy more stamping polish. Watch out Hit The Bottle, I'm coming for you! Ha ha ha. 

What do you think?
Are you loving this foliage trend as much as I am?

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe end to the year and I'll see you next year!
Thanks for stopping by!

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